How to pass the summer with yoga


How to pass the summer with yoga

Summer is already here, in this there is no doubt.

As a yoga teacher in Tel Aviv, I hear about the issue of heat among yoga practitioners some do not always understand why sane people insist on practicing this heat and more without air conditioning. The dilemma may become complicated when opening a window for the introduction of air from the outside is accompanied by the addition of urban sounds that do not always inspire.

The Heat clearly changes the practice, and speaking of yoga as a flexible and adaptive thing then even for the weather the yoga adapts itself, here are some small tips that will help us to practice in the summer safely.

So what do we do with the blessings to be used?

One of the things that create heat in the US is a practice in motion, especially when it is a relatively fast movement that is done sequentially as is the case for example in the practice of a large number of solar pools.

So it's always possible to choose a more static practice with less movement within poses and between them. In the event that we choose to practice vinyasas (sequences of poses in motion), it is recommended to lower the pace a little, emphasize the importance of comfortable breathing along the entire length, and if one has to periodically stop one of the poses for a few moments (another good reason to stay a little in such an important position - tadasana – standing in the mountain).

With the support of breathing and attention, we can contain the internal heat that is created in motion and that may cause discomfort during practice. Over time, the body learns to move more efficiently and cost-effectively even when it is hot and this ability is also of great importance in our daily lives.


Breathing has great potential to create a change in body, consciousness, and also the degree of heat.

In the summer, breathing exercises can be helped by refrigerators during practice and in everyday life in order to calm and cool if necessary.

One exercise is Sheetali Pranayama ) Sheet ) Sanskrit - cold.

This breathing exercise helps to cool the body and muscles, calm consciousness, and relieve some relaxation on a hot summer day. We'll do it like this.:

We will find a comfortable sitting position, close our eyes, and allow comfortable attention and breathing. We will pull the tongue out and roll the sides of the tongue up so that a kind of tube/tunnel is formed. We will take inhalation through the same tube and direct it to the upper palate, at the end of the inhalation we will insert the tongue and close the mouth and exhale through the nose. The inhalation will produce a whistling sound that resembles the wind (and also it helps to cool the atmosphere a little). You can practice this breath several cycles in a row and combine it at the beginning or end of practice.

To your attention:

Since we inhale through the mouth and can not be helped by the filtration mechanisms of the nose it is necessary to pay attention not to practice this breathing in a polluted environment or during very cold days (I wish we should..).

People with low blood pressure or breathing problems should be careful with the Sheetali exercise.

Some of us find it difficult to roll the tongue but you can still do the exercise and focus on getting air into the upper palate, you can also do breathing exercises in other refrigerators (e.g. Seetkari ).

Even for the breathing of the Ojai which is customary to breathe during practice and which can create a lot of heat, you can find a cooler variation by placing the attention on the inhalation, to the entry of air in the area of the nostrils and the contact of air with the upper palate.

Combine relaxing elements during practice

Meditation, breathing, long savasana (relaxation posture), Nidra yoga, and appropriate poses - all of them will help to cope with the heat and it is recommended to combine them before, during, or at the end of practice.

As far as postures are concerned, I find that simple forward bends (e.g. embryo position) combined with an emphasis on exhalation are very appropriate to calm and cool. Various restorative poses with the support of accessories can enhance the relaxation effect. For example, Supta Bahda Konasan, supported child's pose – passes or supported bridge pose – bridge.

External cooling

About the theme of the air conditioner speaks a lot. Despite the fact that it is perhaps psychologically relaxing and does not contribute and even harmful, it creates an imbalance between the external and internal environment, impairs muscle activity, and makes it difficult for the body to develop the mechanisms of tolerance to temperature. A thing that is very noticeable in our time is the great dependence that external temperature stabilizers have both in winter and in summer. For those who want to deepen in the topic, you can read an article about practicing yoga without an air conditioner.

Another point is drinking water (and especially cold) during practice. In the practice of hot yoga recommend drinking water during the practice due to the loss of much fluid. In my humble opinion drinking water artificially cools the body and creates the same effects that we just mentioned and therefore is not recommended. It is of course important to pay attention to complete the fluids we lost during the practice but not during it.

What about the nerve level?

As we proceed to the depth of summer, simultaneously with the temperature level the level of nerves also rises.

Yoga offers us many tools to encourage relaxation and relaxation even when the environment is hot and some of them we have mentioned.

Perhaps the most important thing is to understand that summer gives us an opportunity to learn a lesson in the bride -

Of the inner heat, of the outer heat, and of our reactions and people around us - in the studio, on the street or in a traffic jam.

Let us all have a nice summer.

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