Ojai breath is also known as ocean breath.


Ojai breath is also known as ocean breath.

 About the name

Ojai breath is also known as ocean breath. The meaning of the word ujjayi Ajai is victorious, the meaning of the root Ji is to conquer or win, and the meaning of the prefix ud is connection, expansion, or control.

About what and why?

This breathing technique can be performed as a breathing exercise at the beginning or end of the yoga practice and in certain currents in this yoga the breathing that is applied during the yoga asanas practice.

In the breath of the Ojai we create a soft and deep sound for breathing by the narrowing of the larynx and the upper part of the nasal canals, breathing resonates in the upper thorax and over time the sound becomes more and more internal and natural, in this form it is possible to establish a long, continuous and comfortable breathing.

For the breath of the Ojai many virtues among them can be singled out the following:

* Relaxes the nervous system, muscles, and consciousness

* Imparts resilience and body resistance

* Massages and strengthens the heart and diaphragm

* Clears unnecessary phlegm from the body

* Strengthens the throat and thyroid region

* Creates internal heat and focus

* Makes it possible to connect breathing more intimately with the help of the focus on the sound and sensations that arise in the process of breathing.

From what begins

It is possible to use several images in order to explain the breath:

One option is that breathing is similar to creating a yawn or steam on a window, another option is to try to create the sound ahhh only with a closed mouth, another way is to simulate inhalation and exhalation through a straw or tube which are located in our throat, each practitioner finds the image which helps him to understand the breath. It is important to explain that the operation in the throat area should be kept relaxed, sometimes it is better to describe the operation as an expansion of the trachea in the place of the trouble. In addition it is important to remember that it takes time to internalize this breath into practice and be patient and out of attention.

Except for the guttural sound, it is useful to observe different parts of the body during breathing, there is a variation of ogae in which the stomach is left on inhalation close to the back and thus preventing it from expanding. As a result, aspiration will result in the expansion and elongation of the back and thorax. With regard to the rhythm of the Ojai breathing, it is possible to let the Rhythm be free and it is possible to gradually establish different rhythms.

We discussed the breath of the Ojai and its instruction with Inessa Bergman- (the following passage is translated from English)

Ojai breathing is the beginning of the way towards listening to breathing and a deeper intimate relationship with our Hatha yoga practice. I often help students develop a better awareness of the beginning of inhalation and the beginning of exhalation by putting them in a reclining position with knees bent when feet rest down to the ground before the buttocks. In this position, the spine is fully supported by the ground and there is a space between the shoulder blades. I instruct to lay the palm of the left-hand face down on the upper thorax near the sternum (sternum), and the palm of the right hand on the lower abdomen below the navel. I explain the Ojai as a breath that comes in and out through the nose, passes through the nostrils, and comes directly to the throat and lungs with the creation of an "Ahhhhhh" sound with a gently closed mouth. The inhalation reaches the palm of the left hand and the exhalation flattens the stomach with the touch of the palm of the right hand.

This connection between the body and breathing should be practiced throughout our asanas practice.

In the practice of Ojai, breathing attention is sharpened and consciousness is calmer. The intention behind the asana is to deepen the breath and draw awareness to the natural truce at the end of each inhalation and each exhalation. It is important to pay attention to where they meet. These natural remissions are actually the pandas.

When we stay in these pauses, we extend the spine so that the chin is gently tilted inward and thus a long nape is formed, the abdomen helps to expand the lower back with an exhalation, the sacrum expands and the pelvis relaxes and relaxes with the force of gravity.

In this form, each practitioner finds a deeper insight into the body, spine, breathing, and intimate connection with his personal feeling and energy.

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